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22. & 23. August 2025

Hallbergmoos - Munich

General Rules


Location: Hausler Hof - Hallbergmoos


before we start to rock... Please read all of the "Rules" carefully. You'll find everything you need to know about the TRVEHEIM festival in our rules. A careful reading saves a lot of questions.


The TRVEHEIM Festival


The TRVEHEIM Festival has been in existence since 2016. During the first edition, we were located in Otterfing, south of Munich. Starting from 2017, we have been situated at our current magnificent venue, the Hausler Hof in Hallbergmoos. The proximity to Munich Airport is advantageous for many international guests. Additionally, we provide access to the S-Bahn (urban rail) and the highway, ensuring a hassle-free journey.


Festival wristband and parking


You can only access the festival ground with a valid wristband. At the entrance you'll have to show your ticket once and as soon as we validate it, you'll get the official TRVEHEIM festival wristband. Of course you have to wear it during the festival to be able to access the holy grounds of TRVEHEIM. If you come by car, you have to park on the parking lot just before the official entrance. Parking is free of charge for all festival guests. Unfortunately sleeping in your car is prohibited because of local laws and our security team will enforce that. In case you want to sleep in your car or camper, we offer a special camper parking.

But you'll need, additionally to your normal festival ticket and the camp ticket, one of the limited camper tickets (Camper/Car-Sleeping-Ticket). The camper parking is located near the official camping site. As said... camper tickets are strictly limited!

If you own a regular Weekend-Ticket, the camping is included in the ticket price.


Lost and found


All lost property can be claimed at the festival-staff during the festival. After the festival all lost and found stuff will be kept safe by the TRVEHEIM Team.

In case you lost something write an Email to:

Please describe your property as exactly as possible. We will answer as soon as possible.

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