Trveheim Header

22. & 23. August 2025

Hallbergmoos - Munich

Trveheim Vol. 5 - Postponed

Trveheim Vol. 5 - Postponed
Trveheim Festival Vol. 5

Dear Trveheimers,

as everyone knows, we all have to deal with certain restrictions this year, including us event organizers. Where ever you look, you can see postponements and cancellations of various events.

Now is the time for us to give a comment and inform you about our Festival. Here in Germany, a ban on major events is in place until 31 August. As you may be aware, Trveheim Festival Vol. 5 is scheduled for the end of said month. In addition, there are still international travel restrictions, and it is unknown how long these restrictions will remain in place.

Since the legal situation is still quite unclear and it is our intention to be fair and open towards all of you, we have decided with a heavy heart to cancel Trveheim Vol. 5 in 2020. We also want the festival to be a safe environment for all our international guests to celebrate. We can only estimate the possible health and further financial risks to a very limited extent, which leaves us no other choice to play it safe.

For these reasons, we are postponing the Trveheim Vol. 5 to next year, and try again on August 27/28 2021 with Trveheim Vol. 5.1.

Of course, this poses some questions:

What happens to the tickets? – We strive to ensure that all tickets remain valid. However, there are still some tax law issues to take into account. After all, we want to keep all prices as good and fair as possible and not to be forced to raise them due to unnecessary levies. Therefore, we will give you further information regarding the tickets in the very near future.

Will the line-up stay the same? – Again, we are trying to draw all the bands into the next year. So far, we already have some confirmations. We will keep you informed here as well.

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